Enermax Package

Enermax Package

Enermax Package

The Enermax Package offers an environmentally friendly solution to battery packaging. Rather than the standard transparent plastic cover glued on paper, which is difficult to open and creates unnecessary waste, Enermax uses 100 percent craftboard in a simple, straightforward tubular design. Fingernails or scissors are not needed to open Enermax. Simply break the tube in the center and out will fall two batteries. In addition, used batteries can be repacked into empty Enermax containers. Crumpling the ends will keep the batteries securely stored until they can be recycled. The tube’s right-angled corner also prevents batteries from rolling around.

Contact: NoJae Park
[email protected]
+82 0234 4460 13

Credit: NoJae Park of Seoul National University (South Korea); DeokSang Yun of Kookmin University (South Korea) and JungHyun Lee of Hongik University (South Korea)
