ECO 6L Refillable Filtered Water Bottle

ECO 6L Refillable Filtered Water Bottle

ECO 6L Refillable Filtered Water Bottle

The ECO 6L Refillable Filtered Water Bottle was designed to be refilled in any ECO Filtration Fountain, allowing the whole family to opt for more conscious, sustainable water consumption. It is made of recyclable PET (BPA free), with a UV filter that protects water from sunlight. Offering two positions of use, vertical and horizontal, the bottle is easy to transport and store in the refrigerator on its side. The drop present in the brand logo defines the shape of the bottle, and the shape of the bottle allows it to be stored horizontally—a synergy of form, function, and branding.

Designed By

Carlos Alves, Paulo Correia, Daniel Correia, and Alex Santos of Logoplaste Innovation Lab for NWP – New Water Project
