Duo Epinephrine Delivery System

Duo Epinephrine Delivery System

Duo Epinephrine Delivery System

The Duo Epinephrine Delivery System enables teens with severe allergies to manage their epinephrine autonomously while providing peace of mind to their parents and caregivers. The system combines a novel needle-free epinephrine nasal spray and familiar epinephrine auto-injector into a single compact Bluetooth-enabled carrying case, along with a companion mobile app. When the case is opened, voice instructions guide the user through administering the medication, and caregivers receive an alert through the mobile app once the epinephrine has been administered.

Designed By

Heather Gass, Chris Labak, Jim Best, IDSA, Jacquie Phelps, and Zach Hastings of Farm, A Flex Company for Internal Initiative
