Compaq MP2800 Microportable Projector

Compaq MP2800 Microportable Projector

Compaq MP2800 Microportable Projector

Compaq says this tiny projector is a logical extension of its total computing solutions for the mobile professional. Measuring 115 cubic inches, well under the 420 cubic inches of other portable projectors, the Compaq model is also among the world’s lightest at 3 lbs. and boasts the highest lumens or brightness per pound. Compaq stood its projector on end instead of the traditional flat design to eliminate keystoning and maximize image quality.

“When a presentation projector is executed as flawlessly as the Compaq, it becomes an integral part of the presentation itself, reflecting a level of professionalism and integrity that demands attention.” ?Martin Gierke, IDSA, Black & Decker.

Designers: Compaq Computers

Contact:Phillip D. Prestigomo, IDSA,
Compaq Computer Corp.,
[email protected]