ClearCut™ S Safety Series Incisional Instruments

ClearCut™ S Safety Series Incisional Instruments

ClearCut™ S Safety Series Incisional Instruments

The new ClearCut™ S Safety Series safety scalpel is a disposable surgical incisional instrument used during cataract surgery. The retractable blade guard protects doctors and nurses from accidental sharp injuries, minimizing the spread of infectious disease. Intuitive single-handed activation enables protection with minimal change to the typical workflow.

Credits: Bresslergroup, David Schiff, Mathieu Turpault, Seth GaleWyrick, Alcon Inc. Randy Berardi, Metaphase Design Group Inc., Marc Hunter, Jayne Lynch and Jonathan Sundy
Corporate Sponsor: Alcon Inc.
Contact: Michael Flanagan: [email protected]