Chess Set

Chess Set

Chess Set

Client: Bozart

A nice play on form development and materials allowed the designers to rethink how the pieces of the traditional inexpensive portable chess set interact. The chess pieces, board and base are made from recyclable polymer and the pieces are made in fluorescent, vibrant colors and are a pleasure to handle. On the board, the traditional square grid has been replaced with ‘pop’ art circles.

“From its pure clean forms to its easy to handle tactile pieces to the board that also serves as storage and packaging, this product has reinvented the chess set as we know it. The use materials make it not only inexpensive, but innovative. It’s fun, attractive, enjoyable and, best of all, affordable.” — Jordan Nollman, IDSA

Contact: Michael Regan,
Karim Rashid Inc.,
[email protected]

Credit: Karim Rashid Inc.