Bespoke Jet Cordless Stick Vacuum with All in One Clean Station

Bespoke Jet Cordless Stick Vacuum with All in One Clean Station

Bespoke Jet Cordless Stick Vacuum with All in One Clean Station

The Bespoke Jet is designed to fit in with a user’s style and decor, unlike other vacuum cleaners designed solely for cleaning. The Station has a slim, elegant silhouette with a detailed vertical micropattern that lends the feel of a decorative item. It holds, charges, and empties the vacuum cleaner, reducing hassle. The smaller, lighter stick vacuum combines a strong, refined profile with high performance and low noise. The wide LCD screen provides clear notifications of any issues and their corresponding solutions.

Designed By

Sookyoung Park, Yeonsu Kim, Jaewon Choi, Sewook Oh, and Sunghaee Cho for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
