Avid Mojo video editing tool

Avid Mojo video editing tool

Avid Mojo video editing tool

The Avid Mojo is a high-performance real-time video editing tool that provides cutting-edge technology and convenience. Since the Mojo is a key tool for filmmakers and video editors, a product always in sight and used all the time, it needed to be small, smooth and lightweight. Its shape fits the hand well and is slim enough to fit in a briefcase next to a laptop.

While subtle, its design is also intended to specifically appeal to the gear lust of the typical video editor as well as add a professional cachet to even a moderately-priced editing suite. The anodized metal housing nicely complements laptop and other tabletop peripherals used by video editors. In addition to numerous positive reviews, sales have exceeded expectations, more than tripling original forecasts.

Contact: Scott Underwood,
[email protected]

Credit: IDEO; Avid Technology, Inc.