Ambient Experience for Healthcare

Ambient Experience for Healthcare

Ambient Experience for Healthcare

Client: Royal Philips Electronics

This exhibition showcase was developed to introduce the pioneering Ambient Experience for Healthcare program to the marketplace. This program is designed to reduce the stress and claustrophobic effects of an MRI through the utilization of a complete multimedia environment that adapts to individual patients. As soon as patients enter the MRI department, they are automatically identified by the system and the environment changes to match their personal specifications. Music and images displayed, as well as the entire lighting and ambience of the room can be customized. The company’s exhibition at the RSNA show helped to sell the concept to numerous hospitals around the world.

“Philips and the Radiological Society of North America have finally brought thoughtful design in to lessen patient anxiety. Try to remember the feeling of magic you had the first time you saw a compelling ‘screen saver’-now good designers have made that same magic come alive to fill a whole room. The machines may still be a bit scary, but by letting the patients help decorate the room, the experience need not be. What’s more, while this started as a trade show exhibit, the capability is now itself deemed to be therapeutic–so it is being marketed. That’s great news.” Larry Keeley, IDSA, President, Doblin Inc., Chicago

Contact: Annemieke Fröger,
Philips Design, Netherlands,
[email protected]

Credit: Philips Design