Agrale Trucks 2012

Agrale Trucks 2012

Agrale Trucks 2012

More than a new line of vehicles, Agrale’s new light midsized trucks stand for a series of important innovations when it comes to designing a truck. Safety (the project was entirely validated virtually before manufacturing), component optimization (cabs fit different sizes) and the use of new materials and technology represent significant improvement for the driver, the buyer and the factory.

Credits: Aloysio Coelho, Daniel Turiani, Fellipe Maffezzolli, Levi Girardi, Marcelo Valença, Mauricio Freitas, Rodrigo Ciossani, Sharley Oliveira of Questto|Nó (Brazil), Eliana Bertola, Gisele Leiva, Luiz Alves, Rafael Del’Agnolo Roberta Baggio – consultants (Brazil).
Contact: Levi Girardi  [email protected]