3Com Ergo Audrey

3Com Ergo Audrey

3Com Ergo Audrey

Client: 3Com

Industrial designers drew inspiration from vases, kitchen appliances and other facets of domestic life when they set out to create Audrey, a simple elegant appliance that family members can use anywhere in the house to access the Internet. Although equipped with the computer-like features of a screen, keyboard, modem and ports, the Audrey also departs aesthetically from computers. The wireless keyboard hangs on a hook for ready use, a clear stylus for touch-screen use rests like an antenna in a hole in the top and a prominent knob reminiscent of old TV knobs is used to switch information areas within the user’s personal domain.

Contact: Scott Underwood, IDEO,
[email protected]

Designers: IDEO, Razorfish and 3Com