2001 Jeep® WILLYS Show Vehicle

2001 Jeep® WILLYS Show Vehicle

2001 Jeep® WILLYS Show Vehicle

This small, capable and affordable four-passenger SUV pays homage to Jeeps of the past while showcasing the design and technology of the 21st century. This is the car for adventurers with a sense of environmental responsibility. Large wheels and tires located at the corners of the vehicle maintain superior off road capability while the gray color of these silica tires won’t leave black marks on trails. The stance is aggressive while the high beltline gives the user a sense of added safety.

“Despite it’s cartoon overtones, it does all a show vehicle should do, and is remarkably consistent in design throughout. Nice details, such as visually extending the wheel spokes into the tires, and an appropriate and innovation “interior” combine to make a significant concept vehicle, one that expands our narrow range of thought about what it means to be a “Jeep.” – Chris Bangle, IDSA, BMW

Contact: Freeman J. Thomas,
DaimlerChrysler Corp.,
[email protected]

Designers: DaimlerChrysler Corp.