

Working behind the scenes to make it all happen

IDSA Staff at a conference

For over fifty years, IDSA has had a team of skilled professionals who are directly involved in supporting our mission. Each member of our team is directly responsible for managing an operational department or portfolio of annual programs that impact the experience our community has with our organization. The IDSA Staff, now a distributed group across several US cities, works tirelessly to ensure that members receive value and that the profession of industrial design has a home with our Society. IDSA’s headquarter office is located in beautiful Herndon, Virginia.

Donté P. Shannon, FASAE, CAE

Executive Director

Maya Bayram

Manager, Marketing & Communications

Bridget Domingue, CB

HR Manager & Staff Accountant

Jerry Layne, CAE

Chief Operating Officer

Austin Del Gallo

Manager, Conferences & Events

Allan Gordon

Senior Director of Customer Information Systems

Noah C. Jones

Manager, Membership Recruitment & Retention

Carrie Green

Director, Conferences & Events

Colleen Molen

Senior Manager, Member & Community Recognition

Jill Richardson

Administrative Coordinator

Korie Twiggs

Senior Manager, Member & Community Engagement

Sherri Copeland

Visual Brand Designer