INTEGRATOR: 5G-IoT Integrated Instrument of Fire Rescue

INTEGRATOR: 5G-IoT Integrated Instrument of Fire Rescue

INTEGRATOR: 5G-IoT Integrated Instrument of Fire Rescue

The aim of INTEGRATOR is to protect people in public when they encounter a fire. INTEGRATOR consists of a floor map, face masks, two fire extinguishers, and a camera and alarm. Its bold color and design make it visible so people can easily locate it in case of a fire. The map helps people find a safe route out of the building with masks to protect them from smoke, while illustrated instructions make operating the fire extinguishers easy. INTEGRATOR can provide people with valuable time to safely escape, minimizing casualties.

Designed By

Sun Huajie, S/IDSA, Liu Yichen, Qin Zugan of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
