Mohawk Paper Mills Website

Mohawk Paper Mills Website

Mohawk Paper Mills Website

Client: Mohawk Paper Mills

There’s a certain irony in using a Web site to sell paper, but this is a Web site that reminds the users, mostly graphic designers, why they love paper! Designed to complement the company’s identity of contemporary innovation rooted in the past, this site has been designed to feel like the product it sells.

  • Moving through the site is similar to shuffling stacks of paper or moving pieces of paper around on a desktop or layout. Panels and boxes flutter, move and fall like scraps of paper.
  • Print designers find a site that functions like paper intuitively easy to use.
  • The Web site utilizes Mohawk Paper’s product line as the design metaphor. A unique and innovative way of expressing paper digitally.” – Marty Gage, IDSA, Principal, Rocket Surgery

Contact: Kurt Koepfle,
Pentagram Design,
[email protected]

Credit: Pentagram Design

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