ZARA 3 Stage Baby Transporter

ZARA 3 Stage Baby Transporter

ZARA 3 Stage Baby Transporter

Client: INDITEX, S.A., Spain

The ZARA 3 rolls all of a child’s transportation needs for their first three years into one product—from an infant car seat/carrier to traditional stroller and finally a toddler car seat. Its all-in-one composition saves parents money and its minimal complexity makes daily use and transitioning between stages easier. Designers eliminated all superfluous elements to increase functionality. The compact chassis makes lifting and stowing in the trunk easier. Textiles became the means for the client to differentiate the ZARA 3 by giving users broader aesthetic choices with ability to change the fabric elements at will throughout the product’s life and substituting some mechanical parts with textiles. For instance, the stroller can adopt two positions through regulation of the back and foot stand, which is achieved through textiles by way of zips, Velcro and clips.

Contact: José dos Santos, I/IDSA,
CDN International, Spain,
00 34 935862710,
[email protected]

Credit: CDN International, Spain; INDITEX, S.A., Spain