Barrel Grill

Barrel Grill

Barrel Grill

Client: EVA DENMARK A/S, Denmark

The sleek stainless steel Barrel Grill is a sophisticated barbecue grill tailored for the modern lifestyle. The design features a number of enhancements to outdoor grilling. The adjustable coal bucket can be positioned to optimize the heat output or fitted with an aluminum tray to collect the juices. When not in use, the grilling accessories can be placed inside the grill and, with the flat protective lid, the grill is converted into a stylish extra patio table. It can also be used as a fireplace after grilling. With the Barrel Grill people can rediscover the pleasure and beauty of cooking food over glowing coals.

“Like so many of the exquisite artifacts from Eva Solo, this team keeps returning to core items in the culture to find ways to make them simple, elegant, and gracious. The Barrel Grill is a case in point. This one strips away unnecessary details to place the emphasis on ritual experiences. This is about graceful outdoor meal preparation and dining, rather than screaming ‘See what an enormous macho grill I own!'” -Larry Keeley, IDSA, President, Doblin, Inc.

Contact: Jacob Mohr Hansen,
0045 36 73 20 60,
[email protected]

Credit: Tools Design, Denmark