South Waterfront Design Strategy

South Waterfront Design Strategy

South Waterfront Design Strategy

This overall brand identity and experience design program is the key to transforming 38 acres of Portland, Oregon’s neglected light-industrial riverfront property into a vibrant mixed-use neighborhood. It will be used to sell the vision of this yet-to-be-developed district to potential buyers, laying the foundation for the neighborhood identity through the district name, district theme, metaphors, collateral, web site, and a real estate sales office and showroom. Research indicated that while other urban neighborhoods in Portland offer the energy of the city, none of them offer that energy and the escape of nature found in the district’s riverfront location. This, coupled with an extensive understanding of the target audience, has strategically positioned the development for success, with sales already exceeding expectations.

Contact:Uani Tillmon
ZIBA Design, Inc.

Credit:Gerding/Edlen Development Company, LLC, Williams & Dame Development, ZIBA Design, Inc., Val Taylor Smith and Randy Poulsen
