Outdoor Information Carts

Outdoor Information Carts

Outdoor Information Carts


When this outdoor tourist information program in New York City outgrew its kiosks, designers created a family of three new cart designs targeted to varying sidewalk sizes and pedestrian counts. Two architecturally distinctive areas, the brochure display towers and the greeting counter, separate these previously intertwined functions and facilitate a better flow of users. Storage and brochure display capacity was also doubled. The eye-catching design has increased the carts’ visibility on the busy city sidewalks without being overbearing or obtrusive. The canopy and the information icons act as attention grabbers rising above pedestrians’ heads. For the greeters, the carts are much easier to roll and store, and their durable materials are easier to maintain. The carts have been popular with tourists and residents alike, and several corporations have since expressed interested in sponsoring the program.

Contact: Ignacio Ciocchini
34th Street Partnership
[email protected]

Credit: 34th Street Partnership