CT-80 Explosive Detection System

CT-80 Explosive Detection System

CT-80 Explosive Detection System

The CT-80 provides an alternative to the towering obtrusive baggage screening machines that dominate most airport lobbies. In the often space-restricted check-in area, the CT-80’s reduced footprint allows it to sit adjacent to the ticket counter rather than be sequestered behind the scenes. Conducting baggage screening in the ticketing area helps ease passengers’ concern over the fate of their bags, especially when a hand check is required. The machine’s sculpted exterior panels reflect the internal architecture, reducing its bulk and, more importantly, generating a softer profile that appears less menacing to travelers. The control interface’s touch-screen LCD allows ticket agents to operate the system in an intuitive and expedited manner, leaving the TSA agent to focus solely on screening. After receiving certification to sell the CT-80 in the US, the company received a $25 million contract from the US government for more than 70 systems.

Contact: Martin Linder, IDSA
Martin Steven Linder Design
[email protected]

Credit: Martin Steven Linder Design

Client: Reveal Imaging Technologies