Districts Committee

This committee is responsible for working directly with the professional chapters and design communities in each of IDSA’s five design districts. An elected District Chapter Representative (DCR) will focus on fostering the growth of chapters in their region, mentoring chapter officers, creating connections among chapters and engaging members who live “in between” chapters.


IDSA’s network of Professional Chapters and Student Chapters in the United States is organized into five Districts based on geographical region. This structure allows for even distribution of these communities around the country and ensures equitable support from headquarters to serve the populations of working professionals and students of industrial design. 


The Districts Committee plays a vital role in being the primary support system for chapter leaders in each district. The committee meets regularly to share ideas, align resources, and formulate strategies that will drive member value and engagement.

District Map

Map of IDSA's five design districts

Key Tasks

  • District Chapter Representatives (DCRs) are responsible for working directly with the professional chapters and design communities within their district. Each will focus on fostering the growth of chapters in their region, mentoring chapter officers, creating connections among chapters and engaging members who live “in between” chapters.
  • Serve on the IDSA Districts Committee, chaired by the Chapter Director on IDSA’s Board of Directors
  • Assisting with the SCARF (section / chapter activity request form) approval process.
  • Lead and participate in regular touch-base calls with chapter leaders, IDSA staff, and other DCRs.

Committee Members

(midwest position is open)

George K. Chow, IDSA

South District

Steven Doehler, IDSA

Central District

Vincent Lin, IDSA

Northeast District

Scott Tsukamaki, IDSA

West District

Committee Composition

The committee consists of voting professional members of IDSA each residing in and representing one of IDSA’s geographic districts. It is chaired by the Chapter Director on IDSA’s Board of Directors. District Chapter Representatives are elected by IDSA members in their respective district and hold a two-year term. DCR’s may hold two consecutive terms.