The Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster is a high-performance, electric-powered sports car that hopes to radically change public perception about what an electric vehicle could be. It produces zero emissions and has a 250 mile range on a single charge and can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 4.0 seconds. While styling was of paramount importance, with an emphasis on performance and timeless beauty, avoiding any association with the legacy of odd-looking electric vehicles was an imperative. Designers eschewed a futuristic look in favor of a familiar, accessible aesthetic that would help put drivers at ease with the technology. Response so far has been tremendous. More than 320 people have reserved a car without having even driven it (and, in some cases, without having physically seen it), proving that electric vehicles do not have to be slow, boring or ugly.

“A high octane experience with low voltage rush. The Tesla Roadster represents the best mix of innovation, environmental care and style. Definitely the kind of products new consumers are willing to try.”

Franco Lodato, IDSA, Head, R&D Division, North American Region, Pininfarina Extra USA

Contact: David Vespremi [email protected] 650-413-6270 Credit: Lotus Design Studio (United Kingdom), Tesla Motors Inc. and Bill Moggridge, FIDSA Client: Tesla Motors Inc