- 2007
LOMAK (light operated mouse and keyboard) enables people with physical impairments, such as cerebral palsy, quadriplegia and carpal tunnel syndrome, to easily and effectively operate a computer. Using a specially designed keyboard in conjunction with state-of-the-art light sensor technology, a hand or head pointer controls a beam of light that enters, then confirms, the key or mouse function. Confirming each key helps ensure the correct selection is entered, reducing errors and increasing the speed of operation. Pure geometric forms and soft radii support its simplicity and ease of use. With its quiet form and colors, LOMAK is appropriate for both work and home environments.
“Truly empowering for people with certain physical impairments, and intriguing for everyone else.”
Sigi Moeslinger, IDSA, Partner, Antenna Design New York Inc.
Contact: Peter Haythornthwaite, IDSA
+64 94 16 95 06
[email protected]
Credit: peterhaythornthwaite//creativelab (New Zealand)
Client:Lomak International Limited (New Zealand)