Nanum Project (Cross Cube MP3 Player)

Nanum Project (Cross Cube MP3 Player)

Nanum Project (Cross Cube MP3 Player)

The Cross Cube is a foldable, compact MP3 Player that was designed for the Nanum Project, a Christmas donation project funded through new product developments. This example of collaboration design for a charity product partnered three entities: non-profit organization (World Vision), oil company (GS Caltex) and a design laboratory within a university (ID+IM) developed a charity item for poor children. Whereas some charity items donate only a portion of their earnings, the MP3 was designed, produced, manufactured and distributed with 100% of its profits donated to charity. Nearly $500,000 in educational scholarships resulted from this project.

Contact: Sangmin Bae: [email protected] Credit: ID+IM Design Lab of KAIST (South Korea) Client: GS Caltex Corporation (South Korea) and World Vision Korea, Inc. (South Korea)