Nanopoint Microfluidics Controller

Nanopoint Microfluidics Controller

Nanopoint Microfluidics Controller

The Controller forms the basis of the life support system for the live cells which are studied in the accompanying cellTRAY Fluidics System. It regulates the temperature in the bio-incubator, manages the delivery of nutrients in extremely small quantities (microliters per second), enables the delivery of small amounts of drugs and removes metabolic waste.

“…demonstrates how elegance can be brought to the design of a significantly complex product. Thoughtfulness in the layout provides benefits in function and footprint, while giving the company a truly iconic product.”

–Ken Musgrave, IDSA, director, industrial design, Dell Inc.

Contact: Fernd van Engelen: [email protected] Credit: Peter Bristol, Fernd van Engelen and Carbon Design Team of Carbon Design Group; and Mike Chang, Maile Griffin, Len Higashi and Cathy Owen of Nanopoint Imaging Client: