Virtual Wallet for PNC Financial Services Group

Virtual Wallet for PNC Financial Services Group

Virtual Wallet for PNC Financial Services Group

PNC Financial Services Group provides retail banking, corporate/institutional banking, and asset- management services to more than 2.9 million people in the eastern US. Eager to make lifelong customers from the emerging Generation Y market, PNC developed Virtual Wallet, a suite of banking products for these 70 million young, tech-savvy consumers.  Virtual Wallet provides customers with seamless access to their finances and intuitive, tangible, and direct control of their money.  Centered on electronic transactional banking, Virtual Wallet is designed to promote and optimize banking activities with features, visualizations, and a web site that supports the Gen Y customers. It also includes a mobile application based on the same design language and structure as the web site, only adapted to small screens.

“Virtual Wallet is a truly integrated money management system that reflects the type of service consumers need and want from their bank. It simplifies budgeting, bill payment, saving and goal setting by holistically showing users where they are financially at any given moment. It helps users understand their financial health without being pushy or condescending or relying on industry jargon and terminology.  I suspect most of us would benefit from this product – especially in our current economy.”  –Michelle Berryman, IDSA, Echo Visualization LLC

Contact: Katie Clark: [email protected]

Credit:Ana Amorim, Dario Buzzini, Michael Chapman, Peter Ehling, Mark Jones, Jin Ko, Lea Miller, Hal Monson, Michelle Moy, Dave Vondle and Jon Wettersten for IDEO; and Tom Kunz, Joan Gulley, Mark Hendrix, Dennis Henn, Bryan Mackrell, Chris Johns, Matt Steenson and Mike Ley for PNC Financial Services Group