Li-Ning Design Strategy

Li-Ning Design Strategy

Li-Ning Design Strategy

This project created a detailed, actionable strategy for rebuilding Li-Ning’s consumer experience including its entire product line, visual identity, and retail experience. The strategy resonates with modern Chinese youth, and sets Li-Ning apart as a global but uniquely Chinese brand–a clear break from its previous role as a “fast follower” of Western trends.  The strategy was based on an excellent body of research, which included intensive consumer research in China, and a new understanding of Li-Ning’s brand heritage and DNA.  The result was a new product and service architecture and customer experience strategy that affects Li-Ning’s entire product line, visual communication and retail experience.

“A project which taps into the emerging sense of pride that is evident in China. No longer content to simply make the world’s products, China is now asserting itself politically, economically and ‘Brandally.’ Extensive consumer research informed this project, and the subsequent synthesis and execution demonstrated world class thinking across all of these phases in the creative process.”  –John Barratt, IDSA, TEAGUE

Contact: Julia Carpenter: [email protected]

Credit: Ziba and Li-Ning (China)