Design Empowerment for the Underprivileged (Microcredit + Design)

Design Empowerment for the Underprivileged (Microcredit + Design)

Design Empowerment for the Underprivileged (Microcredit + Design)

Hyundai Capital together with the Hyundai Motor Group Smile Microcredit Bank are collaborating on the Dream Project, an initiative that helps low-income retailers improve their businesses. When a business takes out a microcredit loan, the program provides management consulting and design services to better equip the owners to enhance and expand their businesses.

“The apparent simplicity and thoughtfulness of the approach for this project is really incredibly strong. Relying purely on design to improve an underperforming service is not so new as an approach, however applying design and helping to finance and steer it in a segment of the market that tends to consider design overhead is compelling. The thoughtfulness, straightforwardness and effectiveness of the results is truly remarkable.” – Stefan Pannenbecker, VP, Head of Mobile Design

Credits: Joon Oh! and Design Lab of Hyundai Card (South Korea)

Contact: Fiona Bae: [email protected]