PUMA Clever Little Bag

PUMA Clever Little Bag

PUMA Clever Little Bag

The Clever Little Bag is the sustainable evolution of the traditional shoebox. A cardboard sheet folds into a box structure, which holds the shoes and fits seamlessly into a cloth bag. This system, which replaces the need for a plastic retail bag, uses 65 percent less cardboard than the standard shoebox, takes up less space, weighs less in shipping and is completely recyclable.

“PUMA’s Clever Little Bag sets the bar for responsible corporate citizenship! Using 65% less paper to manufacture, reducing water, energy and diesel by 60% per year and representing a 10,000 ton per year reduction in carbon emissions, PUMA’s packaging is much more than a “clever little bag”.  It’s a rally cry for the true power and ROI of great design in the 21st century!”- Michelle Berryman, FIDSA, Founding Principal, Echo Visualization, LLC

Credits: Yves BĂ©har, IDSA, Josh Morenstein, Nick Cronan and Seth Murray of fuseproject for PUMA, Graphics by GBH

Contact: Melissa Guthrie: [email protected]