Intuos5 Packaging

Intuos5 Packaging

Intuos5 Packaging

Since the Intuos5 tablet is used by artists, retouchers and professional creatives, it was important that its packaging not only appeals to this audience but also communicates the features and improvements they would appreciate. Other goals for the packaging design were to improve the out-of-box experience, reduce material waste and open up opportunities to introduce more sustainable options wherever possible.

Credits: NEW, Carl Jonsson, Jason Martin, Patrick Triato, Mike Prstojevich, Shelby Tiffany, WACOM TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION USA and Wacom Europe, Ellen Burton (USA), Stefan Kirmse (Wacom Europe GmbH), Heidi Thurner (Wacom Europe GmbH), Hartmut Woerrlein (Wacom Europe GmbH), Wacom Co. Ltd. (JAPAN), Hidehiko Yokotsuka Takenori Kaneda, Emiko Kanno, Naomi Ogura and Hiroyuki Seki
Contact: Carl Jonsson: [email protected]