Samsung Digital X-ray XGEO UX

Samsung Digital X-ray XGEO UX

Samsung Digital X-ray XGEO UX

This simple and intuitive graphical user interface design maximizes the user experience of the Samsung XGEO line of X-ray systems by applying a consistent user interface design to both the top head unit and the workstation. Although radiographers are the primary users, patients were also kept in mind during the design process because the X-ray device is also a part of their holistic experience in hospitals.

Radiographers can easily become fatigued because of the repetitive yet complex nature of taking X-rays. The primary challenge was to prioritize key information and streamline it within a limited design space so that the cognitive load of radiographers can be minimized. In addition, since radiographers are used to traditional X-ray systems, the learning curve of this new design needed to be minimized. Finally, consistency in the graphical user interface between the workstation and the top head unit had to be maintained in order to produce a reliable user experience.

Information and measures needed to be clearly delivered, so the designers aimed for high legibility with the use of brightness and contrast. A simple design was considered to ease fatigue. Many design concepts from consumer electronics devices were applied, such as an image preview option and easily accessible help function. Automatic functions, such as auto positioning, auto centering and smart stitching, were designed to minimize user errors.

Credits: Samsung Electronics, Hyewon Lee, Sungnam Kim, Sung Park, Haeung Jung, Jinho Yim, Youngjun Hong and Jonghyun Shin
Contact: Sung Park: [email protected]