Pure Rain™, Essentials / Garden Water Sprinkler / with Nano-Bubble Technology

Pure Rain™, Essentials / Garden Water Sprinkler / with Nano-Bubble Technology

Pure Rain™, Essentials / Garden Water Sprinkler / with Nano-Bubble Technology

This low-end water sprinkler is part of the Purerain™, Essentials line of products for the home gardener that introduces a technology originally proven in industrial and agricultural applications. Simply connect the sprinkler to a garden hose like any standard sprinkler. The embedded generator creates millions of microscopic nano-bubbles of oxygen that enhance the plants’ ability to absorb nutrients from the soil for up to 30 percent more growth.

Credits:  Nectar Product Development, Cary Chow, Robert Quintero, John Duval, Will Smith, Ed Rodriguez and Darren Saravis
Corporate Sponsor: Bluemark
Contact: Cary Chow: [email protected]