
Call for Sections Leadership

IDSA seeks leaders for new and existing Special Interest Sections.


IDSA’s Special Interest Sections are composed of members who share a passion around a specific aspect of industrial design. By hosting events and sharing experiences, Sections deliver immense membership value. 

Under the leadership of Stephan Clambaneva, IDSA, Sections Director on IDSA’s Board of Directors, the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) is currently working to increase the support provided to the Sections and Section leaders.

IDSA is looking for a dedicated and diverse group of members to serve as leaders of the following Sections: 

If you are interested in serving as a section leader for one of the Sections listed above, or if you are passionate about a certain topic and would like to consider proposing a new Section, please contact Korie Twiggs, IDSA’s Community Manager.