
IDSA Introduces City-Based Chapters Detroit, Louisville, and Pittsburgh

Previously, these chapters were IDSA-Michigan, Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania.


IDSA is pleased to announce that effective July 1, the final three chapters in the Central District are renamed: IDSA-Kentucky is now IDSA-Louisville (IDSA-LVL), IDSA-Michigan is now IDSA-Detroit (IDSA-DET), and IDSA-Western Pennsylvania is now IDSA-Pittsburgh (IDSA-PIT).

IDSA is currently at the halfway mark for renaming professional chapters so they are all city-based. Earlier this year, IDSA-Texas was renamed IDSA-Austin, and the Ohio chapters were renamed to represent Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati. 

The final nine chapters will be renamed over the next three months: Arizona, Carolinas, Central New York, Florida, Indiana, Northern Lakes, Northwest, Oregon, and Rocky Mountain.

If you have questions about the chapters scheduled to be renamed, or if you’d like to know more about starting a new professional chapter, contact IDSA Community Manager Korie Twiggs.

If you have questions about any of IDSA’s newly renamed chapters, contact the IDSA chapter officers:

IDSA-Detroit (DET)
Todd Kauranen, IDSA (Chair)
Jody Ingle, IDSA (Vice Chair)

IDSA-Louisville (LVL)
Steve Warden, IDSA (Chair)
Steve Deckel, IDSA (Vice Chair)
Rebecca Alvord, IDSA (Secretary-Treasurer)
Sarah Currie, IDSA (Social Media & Marketing Chair)

IDSA-Pittsburgh (PIT)
Ben Azzam, IDSA (Chair)
Col Jones, IDSA (Vice Chair)

Thanks so much and congratulations to our newly renamed, city-based chapters!