
Remote Designing Resource Center


Created in 2020: Please use this crowd-sourced information center as a reference and resource for designing from home and working remotely. We hope this page will help you more easily and successfully design, innovate, communicate and collaborate with your team in a remote setting.

If you’d like to add to this page, please email [email protected].

The Basics of Working from Home

10 tips to help you succeed:

1. Set up a daily routine.

Try to keep consistent clock-in and clock-out times. Go through your normal morning activities (exercise, shower, get dressed, have breakfast and coffee, read the news, etc.) before starting your work.

2. Create a space to work.

If you are able, create a designated workspace for yourself in your home that incorporates good lighting, ventilation, ergonomics, space to draw and sketch, and a wall for pinning up drawings, a whiteboard, Post-its, etc.

3. Make a to-do list each day.

This will help to ensure that you’re staying on track and keeping focused on specific tasks at hand.

4. Take breaks.

Stand up between calls or after a few hours of sitting down. Get outside for some fresh air. Stretch out those arms and legs!

5. Nourish yourself.

Make sure to eat lunch and stay hydrated. Snacks are fun too!

6. Carve out time to focus.

Build time into your schedule for “heads-down” working, in which you can be as free from distraction as possible.

7. Embrace the unexpected.

Something can always pop up to divert your attention or knock you out of a creative flow. Understand that these moments are okay and a natural part of working in a home setting.

8. Show your face.

Use your web cam as much as possible during video meetings to maintain face time with colleagues.

9. Be a proactive communicator.

When in doubt, be proactive in reaching out to colleagues if you have questions or need assistance with a task.

10. Adapt.

Everyone is different when it comes to their preferred working style. Working from home is not the same as working in the office, so it’s okay to have a different set of tools and expectations in place. Build a system that allows you to be productive based on your and your team’s unique needs.

Resources for Remote Collaboration 

There are many tools available that enable different types of virtual creativity and collaboration. Here are a few of our favorites. Note: IDSA has no affiliation with these companies/services. 

Need to Make Something? 

There are lots of ways to prototype remotely. Here are some: 

Desktop (no tools) prototyping
Don’t forget about the many materials you probably have around the house that you can use to rough out an idea or build volumetric prototypes: ruler, straight edge, razor blades, scissors, cardboard, paper, hot glue, coat hangers, string, yarn, old t-shirts, duct tape…the list goes on. Get crafty! 

3D printers and other tabletop tools
This category of tools continues to improve year after year. There are several options available for an increasing array of materials and fabrication methods. Note: IDSA has no affiliation with these companies/services.

Here is a shortlist:

Need to make something more substantial?
Here are some prototyping shops in various states and regions that might be able to help. Note: IDSA has no affiliation with these companies/services. 

DI Labs

New Jersey
SICAM Corporation

North Carolina
Additive America

Danae, Inc. (serves the Baltimore, MA and Philadelphia regions)

RapidMade, Inc. 

Resources for Protecting Your Zoom Meetings from “Zoom-Bombing” and Unauthorized Participants 

The growing use of virtual platforms for connection through professional, educational and social interactions has unfortunately led to an increase in online disruptions and harassment. Reports of an escalation in “Zoom-bombing,” a reference to hackers hijacking Zoom video conferences with the use of graphic or threatening messages or actions, has heightened the need to take important measures to ensure the security of online meetings and attendees.  

Below are links to resources containing helpful measures that will assist with securing your virtual events. 

How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event – Zoom Blog 

How to Prevent Zoom-Bombing –   

Reporting Zoom-Bombing/Virtual Harassment: 

Contact Zoom Support 

Additional Reading