Principal, TrueNorth Collective
Jeff is an accomplished sustainability engineer and strategist with 25 years of experience designing and deploying sustainability strategy in manufacturing and product development. Jeff has built global, multidisciplinary teams and led professional practice and industry groups in the advancement of sustainability integration. Jeff holds a BS in Environmental Engineering from Michigan Technological University and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
As Principal at TrueNorth Collective, Jeff focuses on the pursuit of collaborative work that drives new kinds of sustainability solutions, bringing many different voices to the design table to understand the power of being better together.
Sustainability Is a Journey—Taking Those First Steps
Design for Sustainability as a critical addition to product development processes is beginning to find a voice within companies. With heavy lifting expected at the earliest stages of a project, Industrial Designers may find it difficult to add the weight of sustainability. For creatives, it can be overwhelming to find the right path.
With this session, we will walk through key tools and methods that we have developed as part of the Design for Sustainability program for a large global manufacturer. We will introduce a systematic structure that is foundational to focusing efforts and decision making for product and process improvement with an environmental lens. We will also host a sharing framework to identify challenges and opportunities from the Industrial Designer point of view.