Form, Matter And Technology

A Formative Research Reference In Industrial Design Education
A Formative Research Reference In Industrial Design Education
Andrés Valencia-Escobar, Ever Patiño, Alejandro Zuleta, Diana Urdinola, and David Torreblanca
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Medellín – Colombia

Form, Matter And Technology

A Formative Research Reference In Industrial Design Education

The development of research projects that actively involve undergraduate students is a challenging activity. Formative research implies from its leaders the understanding of the scientific exercise and its results as a means and not as an end. The Experimental Morphology Research Line and its Morfolab study group, are part of the Design Studies Research Group of the Industrial Design Faculty of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín, Colombia, and have been working for the last 14 years in strategies for linking and permanence for undergraduate students of Industrial Design with the aim of that they acquire investigative skills through their inclusion in scientific projects. A combination of research methodologies focused on presenting science as an input to the design process has allowed the development of projects in the four basic topics of the Line: Biomimetics, Non-Conventional Structures, Finding Form and Materials and Design. These themes have been present for more than 50 years in design education and design practice; however, all have been constantly renewed and strengthened from the inclusion of new ways of acting, new technologies associated with the materialization of ideas and new schemes for interpreting scientific results in terms of their application. The aim of this text is to describe three different industrial design formative experiences through research projects.

Year: 2017