Ready Or Not, Here We Come

Play As Tool To Discover And Shape New Contexts
Play As Tool To Discover And Shape New Contexts
Patricia Kovic, Chris Chapin
Otis College of Art and Design, Kansas City Art Institute

Ready Or Not, Here We Come

Play As Tool To Discover And Shape New Contexts

This paper is a social game and experiment, a kind of Google Doc volley between two design educators, 1000 miles apart, teaching at two separate AICAD institutions, [PLAYER A] started the document. [PLAYER B] read [PLAYER A]’s initial writing and felt excited by what [PLAYER A] was writing about. So much thinking was sparked that [PLAYER B] decided to join in and become part of this paper/ conversation, offering new context and insight from time to time.


Investigating the idea of PLAY seems timely and relevant in an age where work is being redefined and the definition of work is “in a state of PLAY.” Student designers flock to innovative design firms like IDEO that fosters playful, collaborative culture. Companies like Google have developed a culture that embeds PLAY in the work environment, equipped with scooters, tube slides, and indoor putting greens, as a strategy to shape community and increase social capital, especially the kind that drives innovation. According to a Google spokesman, Jordan Newman, the goal is “to create the happiest, most productive workplace in the world.” In fact, Ben Waber, author of “People Analytics, claims “the biggest driver of performance in complex industries like software is serendipitous interaction.”…read more.

Year: 2015