I’m an Industrial Designer, Who Am I?

Friction in the Evolving Terminology of Design Careers
Friction in the Evolving Terminology of Design Careers
Rusty Lay
Auburn University

I’m an Industrial Designer, Who Am I?

Friction in the Evolving Terminology of Design Careers

The broad scope of knowledge acquired and utilized through the training and practice of Industrial Design has created a significant difficulty for the field of Industrial Design. The difficulty in attempting to explain what it is that we do exactly. To family, friends, and more crucially – business in every sector of the economy. Part of the problem is that there is no exactitude for the broad education, experience, and potential for what the industrial designer can accomplish, function as or bring to a company/brand/experience/product. We are user and context focused generalists and as such, the terms “Product Design” & “User Experience” have a much more relatable and understandable relationship to what Industrial Designers contribute to industry and society than “Industrial Design”. However, established terms like “user experience” and “product design” are being redefined by the tech sector and industrial design is suffering because of it. What can be done?

Year: 2023