Enhancing Industrial Design Education Through Studio-Lecture Collaboration

A Study of Integrating a Human Factors Course Into a Studio Project
A Study of Integrating a Human Factors Course Into a Studio Project
Byungsoo Kim, Hernan Gregorio
Kansas State University

Enhancing Industrial Design Education Through Studio-Lecture Collaboration

A Study of Integrating a Human Factors Course Into a Studio Project

This study explores the integration of human factors coursework into an Industrial Design Studio project to assess the potential opportunities, benefits, and drawbacks of such collaboration in design education. The instructors of both courses collaborated to incorporate knowledge of anthropometrics, ergonomics, and usability into the studio project. A total of 14 Industrial Design students participated in the project, which focused on the design of a hand tool with an emphasis on human interaction and ergonomics. At the end of the eight-week project, a survey was conducted to evaluate students’ learning experiences. The results of the study suggest that this integration of lecture and studio coursework can enhance students’ understanding of the design process and improve their design solutions. The paper presents the results of the study and discusses the potential for future collaborations between studio and human factors lecture courses in industrial design education.

Year: 2023