Badger Shield Open Source PPE

Badger Shield Open Source PPE

Badger Shield Open Source PPE

Badger Shield is an open-source face shield platform designed to rapidly distribute desperately needed personal protection equipment (PPE) to smaller medical facilities and essential workers. Global supply chains imploded at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there was a dire shortage of PPE for frontline workers. Badger Shield was designed in days and uploaded to the internet. Healthcare systems requested 5.5 million units within weeks of launch. An online portal matched requests with manufacturers, and the world went to work. Production lines in 22 countries, representing 400 manufacturers, from giants like Apple to local outfits like Midwest Prototyping, combined to make 2 million per day.

Designed by: Jesse Darley of Delve, Brian Ellison of Midwest Prototyping, and Lennon Rodgers of University of Wisconsin Makerspace

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