Evan Caldwell, IDSA

Industrial Designer, Lexmark Originally from Lexington, Kentucky, Evan graduated from Auburn University College of Architecture, Design and Construction with a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design (2018). He is currently developing the next generation of Lexmark imaging products and services.

Activities for Evan

Academic Juror | 2024
Education Council | 2024, 2025

Statement of Candidacy

One thing you should know about me right away is that I do not take the honor of representing educators and students lightly. I firmly believe in the importance that our educational institutions have in shaping not only the future of our discipline, but the Society as a whole. My intentions for running can be divided into three categories. As a Professional Practitioner on the Education Council, I intend to leverage my experience in the field to:

  1. Proliferate good design fundamentals
  2. Embrace world changing technology such as generative design and digital workflows
  3. Represent the dynamic interests of design students and educators alike


Above all else, I want to build lasting personal relationships with my peers. I am always open to a conversation, so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have further questions or topics to cover. I want to hear your thoughts and get to know your priorities.

Thank you for taking the time to consider me for the Professional Practitioner role on the IDSA Education Council.