Service Meet Service: A Toolkit for collaborative action to end the sex trafficking of youth

Service Meet Service: A Toolkit for collaborative action to end the sex trafficking of youth

Service Meet Service: A Toolkit for collaborative action to end the sex trafficking of youth

Service Meet Service is a comprehensive digital and physical toolkit for sharing the National Center of Youth Law’s response to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth. The toolkit will contribute to the collective momentum for advocacy and reform around this issue. The design process envisioned the toolkit as a facilitation tool while building a system that is accessible, prioritized, digestible, and impactful to multiple stakeholders, including youth. It provides action-oriented tools for group facilitation, knowledge sharing, and policy and practice change. Designed as a living digital tool, the toolkit can be updated to remain a robust record of best practices over time, eliminating the need to search for and/or cross-examine multiple repositories of information.

Designed by: Molly Ackerman-Brimberg, Joey Wang, Kat McMillan, and Xavier Jones of SuperDeep Studio and MADO

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