Cionic Neural Sleeve™

Cionic Neural Sleeve™

Cionic Neural Sleeve™

The Cionic Neural Sleeve empowers users with a new freedom of movement and rehabilitation, allowing them to live more independent lives. As a comprehensive, customizable health solution, the Neural Sleeve serves those living with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, stroke recovery, and other neuromuscular diagnoses. The technology uses personalized algorithms to analyze a person’s stride to deliver functional electrical stimulation, which activates the correct muscles, supporting gait improvement in real time. Software-controlled currents use electrodes placed inside the sleeve to activate muscles, which improves strength and range of motion, facilitates muscle relearning, eases walking, and elevates comfortable movement overall. Ease of use was a critical consideration when designing the sleeve itself as users have limited mobility. The design thoughtfully considers how best to ensure the sleeve’s technological necessities – the wirebus, sensors, and electrodes – can be correctly placed on users regardless of body type. Also, lightweight, breathable fabric in beautiful colorways celebrate the Cionic Neural Sleeve as something of which the wearer can don with pride. The sleeve design and material choice celebrate recovery, progress and the possibility of a better quality of life

Designed By

Yves Béhar, IDSA, Qin Li, IDSA, Angie Tadeo, Jaehoon Jung, Daniel Zarem, and Jon Reyr Johannesson of fuseproject, and Jeremiah Robison and Domenico Pisaturo of CIONIC
