Willow Go

Willow Go

Willow Go

Willow Go is a wearable breast pump that supports a more active, satisfying lifestyle for new moms. Mothers are not always able to breastfeed their infants. They may have work obligations or an infant who cannot successfully breastfeed due to a medical or developmental issue. This makes bottle feeding an absolute must. As mother’s milk is superior to formula, pumping is the best choice. However, pumping is time consuming, up to three hours a day, and pumping with a stationary pump can be restricting and boring. Willow Go allows mothers to pump while engaging in more satisfying and equally important activities such as playing with their child, exercising lightly, or catching up on work.

Designed By

Fred Bould, IDSA, Jamie Perin, IDSA, and Jeremy Wolf, IDSA of Bould Design for Willow Innovations, Inc.
