Tatami Table: Inspiring connection in a small space

Tatami Table: Inspiring connection in a small space

Tatami Table: Inspiring connection in a small space

The Tatami Table is a Japanese-inspired Danish-designed coffee table that promotes connection. People working from home often lack personal interaction, which is crucial for mental health. Therefore, it is important that they connect with others no matter the size of their space. The Tatami Table features four seats disguised as drawers for a compact footprint. When pulled out, the seats encourage a seating method that opens up your body, improves your posture, and increases the flow of oxygen. With the Tatami Table, you no longer need a big dining room set to invite friends and family over for dinner. Simply pull out a drawer, have a seat, and connect. 

Designed by: Jacob McMullen of JEMc Design for San Jose State University

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