In the age of emojis, type and image work in tandem to bolster our typographic voices, conveying our wide range of emotions. What if new punctuation could formally articulate the meaning of a message as conveyed through gesture and expression? Engaging with design as a medium for inquiry, Cinelli proposes a new set of characters to supplement our existing typefaces, attempting to make the rich complexities of verbal and nonverbal conversation visible.
Presented by Mia Cinelli is an Assistant Professor of Art Studio and Digital Design at the University of Kentucky. Her design practice encompasses an eclectic span of poetic and pragmatic products, installations, and graphics which have been exhibited nationally and internationally. Recently, her typographic works have been acknowledged with Best in Festival for New Work at DesignTO (2020), a Graphis Silver award for typeface design (2018), a Society of Typographic Arts “STA 100” award (2019), and a Communication Arts Typography award (2020). With an inquiry-driven practice, she is passionate about—and continually excited by— the possibilities of visual communication and human-centered design.