Ryobi Handheld Lopper, Digging Tool & RoboYagi

Ryobi Handheld Lopper, Digging Tool & RoboYagi

Ryobi Handheld Lopper, Digging Tool & RoboYagi

Ryobi’s line of battery-powered tools makes yard work easier and safer. The loppers allow users to prune safely and with ease with the 18-volt motor and high-quality bypass blades that provide 150 kg/m of torque and razor-sharp cutting. The Digging Tool is ideal for planting trees, shrubs and flowers; cultivating and preparing soil; and tackling DIY fencing and landscaping. The RoboYagi Robotic Mower works quickly, quietly and efficiently to give you a beautiful lawn so you can sit back and enjoy your garden, rather than spend time maintaining it.

Designed by: Leon Yoong, Carter Wong, Frankie Lam, Adis Sabic & Steven Lau of Techtronic Design

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