


Parents with physical disabilities often face challenges in caring for their children due to limitations in mobility. Ourhour is a mobility tool designed for physically impaired parents. Combining a baby seat with an electric wheelchair, Ourhour can be used in typical family outings and daily activities, allowing parents to interact with their children. Its compact design and omnidirectional wheels allows users to navigate around obstacles, capable of turning 360 degrees where it’s standing. Ourhour’s modular combines a wheelchair, car seat, and baby seat, making it an all-in-one solution for disabled parents from day-to-day activities to extended trips.

Designed By

Yunho Kim, Susanna Kim, Seungwhan Ra, Youngsuh Yoo, and Seoyoung Lee of Samsung Design Membership for Kookmin University, Ewha Womans University, Chung-Ang University
