Let Beauty Factory

Let Beauty Factory

Let Beauty Factory

Juan Industrial Park in Incheon, South Korea was designated as the first industrial complex in 1964. However, in 50 years, it became the oldest and most deteriorated industrial complex in Korea. Now, Incheon City pursued a project named Let Beauty Factory to transform a stagnant industrial complex into an attractive workplace where young, talented people want to work using design. Let Beauty Factory project is a horizontal policy development project that attracted citizens and industrial workers. The 100-day research project and a 60-day pilot demonstration were launched.

Designed by: Nam-Joo Lee of Incheon Metropolitan city, Yeon-Joo Kang, Yoo-Sun Oh of IBITP Corp, Min-Joo Kim of ANF Design Corp, and Mi-jung Lim of UNIDESIGN Corp.

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